Our purpose is to be an advocate for water, ensuring that everyone - municipalities, industries, citizens, farmers, non-governmental organizations and civil society as a whole - gives water the value it deserves. Beyond our daily business of providing adequate supplies and responsible quality and treatment of water, we are committed to acting and to convincing others, so that together we can invest in saving water, and in inventing new models to preserve one the most precious resources on our planet.
Find out more about how we put our vision and purpose into practice with Mission Water

As a water company, our daily work centers on ensuring that those whom we serve have the water they need for a fair price, in the right quantity and quality. Our dream is for water to have the value it deserves on our planet, and for that value to be equally available to all living beings, now and in the future.

Too many people, industries and ecosystems in our world are facing severe water challenges. In some places there is too much, in others not enough; in some places it is too contaminated to be of use, in others it’s transportation is complex. Together, we can make a change. You can help us change this. Whether you represent a city, municipality or industry, the agricultural sector, environmental, business or consumer interests, we invite you to join us in resetting humanity’s relationship with one of our planet’s most precious natural resources.
Our company culture at Saur is built on six core values. These values are rooted in our company's history, and are nurtured by our many years of practical experience in the sector. They guide our decisions and behavior on a day-to-day basis.
We proactively respond to challenges and possibilities, and we confidently take responsibility for our mission and all it demands of us, now and towards future generations.
As connectors, and catalysts of positive change, we strive for complete honesty about our decisions and actions, and we encourage the open sharing of data, insights and challenges, contributing to creating a trust-based business environment.
We live in trust-based interdependence with communities, industries and ecosystems around us. Because we share the same needs and goals, we think and act in complete solidarity and harmony with them.
Service awareness
As a company with strong experience in delivering a critical resource to a broad spectrum of clients, we serve a purpose that reaches much further than the temporary success of any individual stakeholder, including ourselves
Our drive and ability to give the best we can to our mission and to all affected by it is directly linked to our proximity – in every sense of the word – to stakeholders: we’re near, we listen, we act, balancing local and global needs
In our pursuit of water integrity, we are aware of the impact of our own behavior, and, therefore, we – especially those of us in leadership positions – lead by example, living up daily up to the values and standards we advocate, while sharing our passion for water with all stakeholders